David Shepherd

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Signed, limited edition print

david shepherd evening in the Luangwa, print
"Eveving in the Luangwa
Signed, limited edition
Date of publication 1978
Image Size 18.5" x 37"
Mint condition
"Evening in the Luangwa"
Evening is short in Africa;from daylight to the darkness of night is perhaps just one hour.
The burning heat of the Luangwa valley in Zambia, at midday, when nothing seems
to stir, gradually gives way to the cool of the evening and the shadows lengthen.
Then, quite suddenly, it is dark, and life awakes to the vibrant sounds of the African night.
Late afternoon and evening is the time when elephants will think of water, and
the long trek down to drink in the Luangwa river will begin. The lions are
content. Their bellies are full, from a previous night's kill, and they will not stir for many
an hour. The zebra and buck will know they will be able to graze without fear tonight.
All is at peace, in the evening, in the Valley.
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